Quick Summary of Citizen Data Science blogs

Citizen Data Scientist – why not stay by Data Scientist only? Data Scientist is no longer sufficient to keep up with increasing amount and variety of data Citizen Data Science to empower all employees to develop their own insights A business is not a homogeneous thing - data scientist has limited expertise of the business… Continue reading Quick Summary of Citizen Data Science blogs

Citizen Data Scientist – why not stay by Data Scientist only?

Science. Scientific. Scientist. These almost magic-like words carry, for most people, a heavy connotation of respect. Politicians use those terms to substantiate their claims, while media like to use them to gain credibility in their articles. It’s been roughly 150 years that the term scientist replaced the term ‘man of science’ – about the time… Continue reading Citizen Data Scientist – why not stay by Data Scientist only?

How will “the Citizen” change the world?

Needless to say, we live in the age of data. It’s not because, miraculously, we have somehow started to create more data. No, we still walk, attend lecturers, and go to grocery shops. The real reason is our improved ability to collect the data. Daily, heck, hourly, we use our smartphones, leaving behind a track… Continue reading How will “the Citizen” change the world?

What are the barriers to adoption of Citizen Data Science?

There are two main aspects of citizen data science – the “citizens” and the data technology. Both are needed to unlock the true potential of citizen data science, and by extension, both can act as significant barriers. Citizens Let’s take the “citizens” first. Although I was talking about “almost everyone”, in the end, the employees… Continue reading What are the barriers to adoption of Citizen Data Science?

What types of companies will develop Citizen Data Science into commercial products?

In the environment of advanced analytics, there are a number of well-established players as well as a plethora of smaller companies making rounds with their solutions. The sector itself has been projected to grow 14% in 2016 to reach value of $1.5bn. Quite understandably, most of them are trying to positions themselves into “advanced insights,… Continue reading What types of companies will develop Citizen Data Science into commercial products?

What competences will companies need in order to develop and commercialise Citizen Data Science?

There is possibly a great number of competences that are needed for any company to develop and commercialise a new product. Here, I list three of the key competences that I identified, indicating in brackets whether they relate to commercialisation or development. Security (commercialisation) With the trend of moving towards Cloud, the ability to present… Continue reading What competences will companies need in order to develop and commercialise Citizen Data Science?

Where will the competition come from?

As an emerging technology and “the next big thing”, it is difficult to say what will be “the next next big thing” that will supersede citizen data science. It might be Artificial Intelligence that will do analytics for us and make redundant any kind of human input required now. Or it might be that Internet… Continue reading Where will the competition come from?

What existing companies or industries might “the Citizen” disrupt?

Finally, what is such concept as citizen data science capable of when it comes to disrupting others? Let us investigate by means of looking at specific sectors and extrapolating what we have learned so far. I will look here at three (because three is a magical number) diverse sectors to give a taste of the… Continue reading What existing companies or industries might “the Citizen” disrupt?